Welcome to WordPress Automatic cron job, current system time is:1714327430...

Info: No running cron job found, starting now...Plugin started performance report before running the script: 27.59MB of ram and DB queries count:168

DB contains (63) campaigns
Processing Campaign David Fit { 21379 }
Campaign scheduled to process every 60 minutes & last processing was 2775 minutes ago <-- Campaign passed the update interval and is eligible to be processed, let's process it...
Should get content from feeds
Processing 1 Feeds for this campaign David Fit

Processing Feed:
Time taken to load the feed from the source:0.339
HTTP code: 200
Feed was freshly loaded from the source
Feed contains 10 posts
First url in the feed:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_apjNYCCDk
This link was the same as the last time we did not find new links so ... skipping till new posts get added Forget this fact Now.
Processed 1 campaigns and reached max campaigns per cron. Exit cron now and complete next cron.
Plugin completed running.. peak ram used was: 29.70 MB, current:27.65, DB queries count:209, Time used: 0.47502398490906 seconds